



Signorello, R., Zhang, Z., Gerratt, B., and Kreiman, J. (2016). Impact of vocal tract resonance on the perception of voice quality changes caused by varying vocal fold stiffness. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 102(1). [pdf version here]



Signorello, R. (accepted, to appear). Voice in charismatic leadership. Oxford Handbook of Voice Studies. Edited by Nina Sun Eidsheim and Katherine L. Meizel. (Under contract with Oxford University Press)


Signorello, R., Demolin, D., Henrich-Bernardoni, N., Kreiman, J., Gerratt, B. R., and Zhang, Z. (2015). F0 and intensity in charismatic political speech: A cross-cultural study. In 11th PEVOC conference, 31 August-2 September, 2015, Firenze, Italy.

Kreiman, J., Gerratt, B. R., Signorello, R., and Rastifar, S. (2015, to appear). Sufficiency of a four-parameter spectral model of the voice source. In 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


Signorello, R. (2014). The biological function of fundamental frequency in leaders' charismatic voices. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4), 2295-2295.

Signorello, R., Zhang, Z., Gerratt, B., Kreiman, J. (2014). Impact of vocal tract resonance on the perception of voice quality changes caused by vocal fold stiffness. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4), 2295-2295


Signorello, R. & Demolin D (2013). The physiological use of the charismatic voice in political speech. Proceedings of Interspeech 2013, 25-29 August 2013, Lyon, France [pdf version here]

D’Errico, F., Signorello, R., and Poggi, I. (2013). The perception of charisma from voice. A cross-cultural study. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2013. [pdf version here]


D’Errico, F., Signorello, R., and Poggi, I. (2012). Le dimensioni del carisma. In Cruciani, M. and Cecconi, F., editors, IX Convegno Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive - AISC 2012, pages 245–252, Rome, Italy. Università di Trento. [PDF version here]

Signorello, R., D’Errico, F., Poggi, I., and Demolin, D. (2012). How charisma is perceived from speech. A multidimensional approach. In ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom) 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF version here]

Signorello, R., D’Errico, F., Poggi, I., Demolin, D., and Mairano, P. (2012). Charisma perception in political speech: a case study. In Mello, H., Pettorino, M., and Raso, T., editors, Proceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference : Speech and Corpora, pages 343–348. Firenze University Press. [PDF Version here]


Signorello, R., Aubergé, V., Vanpé, A., Grandjon, L. & Audibert, N (2011). Indices de langue et de culture dans les micro-événements audibles et visibles de l’interaction face à face. RJCP 2011, Grenoble (France), 25-27 May 2011.


Signorello, R., Aubergé, V., Vanpé, A., Grandjon, L. & Audibert, N. (2010).  A la recherche d’indices de culture et/ou de langue dans les micro-événements audio-visuels de l’interaction face à face. In Buisine, S., Sabouret, N. & Morge, M. (Eds.) WACA 2010, pp. 69-76, Lille (France), 25-26 November 2010. [PDF version here]

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